- 福光
- 2023年(第9回)
- その他

名称 | 叫ぶカヌー さけぶかぬー |
制作年 | 2023年(第9回) |
設置場所 | 南砺市役所 |
制作者 | グレニョ リマ(ブラジル連邦共和国) |
My sculpture is a manifest!
I’m bringing it from Brazil of a worrying question about the indigenous condition in our country. For a long time, the indigenous people have been attacked by miners and loggers that pollute the rivers and destroy the forest. My work talks about this – it has two elements, the first is the canoe that represent the entire indigenous community in Brazil, especially the yanomamis who live in Brazilian Amazonia and part of Venezuela. The second element means violence which are the miners and loggers. This part of the work will be painted with annatto ink, which is the ink that the Indian use in rituals of their cultures. This second element is the weapon of destruction. This work is my wish that the first inhabitants of Brazil live in peace.